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ICT Account Manager/Industry Representative

Вакансия № 19558784 в населенном пункте (городе) Ташкент, Узбекистан от компании "FE LLC Huawei Tech Investment Tashkent" на сайте Мультирегиональный Электронный Центр Занятости Населения (ЦЗН).

Репутация компании "FE LLC Huawei Tech Investment Tashkent" в отзывах работников:

Читайте свежие отзывы сотрудников об этой организации на этом сайте.

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Обязательное требование к опыту работы искомого сотрудника: 3–6 лет.

График работы: полный день.

Тип занятости: полная занятость.

Вакансия № 19558784 добавлена в базу данных: Суббота, 11 мая 2024 года.

Дата обновления этого объявления: Понедельник, 3 июня 2024 года.

Рейтинг вакансии: 3,09 из 100 баллов

Статистика объявления с вакансией № 19558784 на должность ICT Account Manager/Industry Representative от FE LLC Huawei Tech Investment TashkentВакансия № 19558784 прочитана - 34 раз(а)
Отправлено откликов - 0 раз(а)

Вакансии ЦЗН в соцсетях и мессенджерах:

Каталог свежих вакансий города (региона) Ташкент

Работодатель предложит заработную плату по результатам собеседования с соискателем работы.

Duties and responsibilities:
  • NA(Named Account, Valuable Customer) Analyze, determine and Planning: Gain insight into the development trends of the industry and customers as well as business opportunities. Participate in planning customer strategies, reach a consensus inside the organization through communication, and ensure effective execution of the customer strategies;
  • Customer relationship development and management (planning the improvement of customer relationship: Implementation and Closure; Expos, Forums, HQ visit). Understand and master operation mechanisms of the industry and customers. Gain insight into and analyze customers' organizational architecture and decision-making chains, deeply understand customer’s operation mechanisms and management architecture at all levels, and develop high-level customer relationships, organizational customer relationships, and key customer relationships. Serve customers, satisfy customer requirements, and develop a powerful customer platform;
  • Channel identification and cooperation (channel analysis, distinguishing, matching, relationship evaluation and developing planning): Learn about value ecosystem chains of responsible customers, identify main partners of customers, and continuously promote capability improvement of the ecosystem through development, cultivation, support, and incentive offering as well as market order management. Provide E2E solutions that satisfy customer requirements through customers. Identify customer circles, experts, partners, industry regulatory
    departments, and industry associations, develop communication platforms through circle activities, and drive attainment of business goals.
  • Executing precision marketing: Know changes in customer trends and development directors, specify business key points based on effective market insight to conduct marketing planning, improve brand planning and implement marketing activities, promote generation of marketing activity leads, and perform E2E management of the leads;
  • Sales project operations at all stages: Undertake business operation goals of responsible accounts. Participate in, organize, coordinate, and monitor business activities, and lead he project team to take charge of the final business operation results and customer satisfaction through effective project operations.
Required skills and qualifications:
  • Bachelor degree;
  • CTO/CIO/CMO working experience in large (or state-owned) enterprises is preferred;
  • Experience in sales of Industry Solutions and IT(Server&Storage)/IP(Switch&Router) products;
  • Languages: Russian (fluent), English (fluent), Uzbek;
  • Outstanding communication and negotiation ability;
  • Excellent organizational skills;
  • Ability in problem-solving and negotiation;
  • Strong leadership;
  • Good teamwork.

Work Conditions:

  • Work in the Tashkent office. Oybek metro station.
  • Opening hours: 9: 00-18: 00 lunch 12: 30-13: 30
  • Working days: 5/7 Monday - Friday
  • Days off: Saturday, Sunday.
  • Probation period: 3 months
  • The working language is English.
  • Knowledge of spoken English is required. The interview held in English.
  • Monthly mobile charges
  • Medical insurance
  • Bonuses

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